Our technological equipment is among the best in Europe. We can supply to you clothes with simple and complicated print including special effects and their combinations. We use high-quality textile from time-proven suppliers from the Czech Republic and abroad, just choose from our catalogue. The quality and speed of delivery is essential for us.
We offer a broad range of special effects
The individual print effects can be combined or used to make common print more special. We will be happy to help you choose a suitable special effect
T-SHIRTS 4U s.r.o.
Vaníčkova 315/7
Praha 6, 169 00
IČ 63986515
DIČ CZ63986515
Komerční banka, a.s. SWIFT/BIC: KOMBCZPP
Pro platby v CZK
číslo účtu: 123-6109120257/0100 IBAN: CZ83 0100 0001 2361 0912 0257
Pro platby v EUR
číslo účtu: 123-6109180217/0100 IBAN: CZ93 0100 0001 2361 0918 0217
Pro platby v CHF
číslo účtu: 123-5422120267/0100 IBAN: CZ19 0100 0001 2354 2212 0267
Working hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Consultation hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The company is registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Entry 20637
Business Terms and Conditions: Download here
Our terms and conditions of personal data protection can be found here.