Our technological equipment is among the best in Europe. We can supply to you clothes with simple and complicated print including special effects and their combinations. We use high-quality textile from time-proven suppliers from the Czech Republic and abroad, just choose from our catalogue. The quality and speed of delivery is essential for us.
Transfer print is the best solution for an especially fast print directly in your company. We will give you the print on transfer sheets and you will iron the motif on using a special iron. This print will be cheaper for you and you can use it when you need it, so the goods do not occupy the warehouse unnecessarily. Typical customers are companies printing the same motifs repeatedly. Transfer print is usually used for printing of construction companies work clothes or for printing of numbers on sports clothes; transfer print also allows production of personified job orders. Transfer print is used to print on such places on clothes that are hard to access - on pockets, collars, hoods, etc.
T-SHIRTS 4U s.r.o.
Vaníčkova 315/7
Praha 6, 169 00
IČ 63986515
DIČ CZ63986515
Komerční banka, a.s. SWIFT/BIC: KOMBCZPP
Pro platby v CZK
číslo účtu: 123-6109120257/0100 IBAN: CZ83 0100 0001 2361 0912 0257
Pro platby v EUR
číslo účtu: 123-6109180217/0100 IBAN: CZ93 0100 0001 2361 0918 0217
Pro platby v CHF
číslo účtu: 123-5422120267/0100 IBAN: CZ19 0100 0001 2354 2212 0267
Working hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Consultation hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The company is registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Entry 20637
Business Terms and Conditions: Download here
Our terms and conditions of personal data protection can be found here.